
Acupuncture is by appointment only. Please schedule via phone: 541-531-6287.

Initial consult with acupuncture treatment : $150 includes pulse reading, the primary assessment tool utilized for diagnosis, followed by a discussion of health picture plus treatment strategies to create a thriving health picture. Allow for a minimum of an hour & a half & a maximum of 2 hours. Recommended for patient to record discussion as there may be a lot of specific details to track later.

Follow up treatments: $98 includes pulse reading & a brief discussion followed by acupuncture session.

Package of 5 treatments (to be used within 4 months of purchase date): $400

Massage: $120 per 1 & 1/2 hour session: accessing many massage modalities via extensive training: 2 years basic plus many years of continuing education. Includes any of the following modalities listed below plus possibly cranial sacral, medical Qi Kung, &/or non-chiropractic alignment method, with a backdrop of medical massage for correctly diagnosing muscle issues.

Walking cups: $25 for every 15 minutes utilized. A very effective method of cupping that is specific for removing stuck blood from an old injury, thereby allowing true healing to occur.

Fascial release style cupping: $25 for every 15 minutes utilized. A very effective method of cupping specific for releasing fascia, similar to deep tissue massage.

Thumper: $25 for every 15 minutes utilized. A tapotement style massage machine designed to release large muscle groups.

Hot Stone Therapy: $25 for 15 minutes. A massage technique that utilizes heated stones which gently relieve contracted muscles. Also beneficial for deficiency conditions related to digestion plus menstruation complications.

Ancient Root Healing sessions (a unique blend of 2 modalities formulated by Leslie Shanai): $260. Combining long distance medical Qi Kung with a unique form of Family Constellation Work, followed by a discussion of outcome & any suggestions that arise during the session. Best utilized for patients who have hidden dynamics in their health picture or have serious or debilitating illness, but is also a superior adding type therapy for any patient. Please see the home page, under this title, for a more detailed description.

One-on-one Family Constellation work with specific supportive simultaneous acupuncture treatment: $197. Allow for a 1 & 1/2 to 2 hour time frame.

The following 4 modalities are included for no additional charge with an acupuncture or massage treatment:

Cupping: individual cups added when needed, for up to 3 acupuncture points during the session.

Moxibustion: a far infrared method used in conjunction with acupuncture.

Far infrared therapy: bio-mat, a gem stone based heat mat that restores energy while simultaneously deeply relaxes.

Sound healing with crystal bowl(s): utilizing 1 to 4 crystal bowls after needles are inserted or at end of session with massage.