Why it is necessary to be a good detective in order to resolve migraine headaches?

Why it is necessary to be a good detective in order to resolve migraine headaches?

The most challenging aspect of treating migraines is initially discovering the cause(s), of which there are many. A simple explanation is that migraines are caused due to a reaction to something internal within the body’s complex system, or reacting to an external influence. Step 1: The body is exposed to some element of toxicity, internal…

Weight gain: sometimes it is also known as a “smart body” responding to a crisis

Weight gain: sometimes it is also known as a “smart body” responding to a crisis

Historically, there are many causes for weight gain. In these modern times of high pollution there are additional new causes cropping up. Adaptation is an especially necessary component in order for the human body to thrive, or even survive, during this time of high toxic load. Mostly we have judgment about fat, thinking it is…

The magic of moxabustion and other far infrared treatments

The magic of moxabustion and other far infrared treatments

Oftentimes, when treating new patients that have previously received acupuncture, they frequently report that they have never received moxa or other far infrared treatments. I personally feel that a patient who only receives the needles is missing out on the best part. Moxibustion always feels great to the patient, but more importantly, serves to enhance…

Embracing fear leads to courage

Embracing fear leads to courage

Inclusion Courage held hands with Fear And said: “you have a place here.” And Fear sighed and relaxed allowing courage to lead, mutual wisdom springing forth as their connectedness became unveiled, joining forces, expanding possibilities. Saying Yes! To all that Life brings, Requires courage And a tremendous amount of sincere self love. As a young…